Subconscious Pot

Subconscious Pot

Subconscious Pot Metaphor that represents our subconscious as a cooking pot where knowledge combines. These combinations can eventually generate insight bubbles. Back to...
The Marketing Mountain

The Marketing Mountain

Marketing Mountain Metaphor that connects marketing processes with the challenge of climbing a mountain whose peak mutates continuously in form and position, while you compete against other teams pursuing the same objective. Back to...
Theater of Operations

Theater of Operations

Theater of Operations Imagine that your creative potential has been surrounded and hidden by the power of our dominant analytical thinking processes (AT) and logical forces (LF). AT has built a strong fortress surrounded by high walls, defensive filters populated by...
The Depth Elevator

The Depth Elevator

The Depth Elevator Metaphor that represents the relationship between universal principles and specific areas, fields and disciplines. For example rhythm in connection with dance, the variations of the stock market or earthquakes. Back to...
The Wood Elevator

The Wood Elevator

The Wood Depth Elevator Metaphor that represents the range of possibilities that exists between visual textures that are easily identified by our analytical processes and others that are harder for our mind to interpret. Back to...